They say that in order to successfully market your business you need to host at least 3 events every year. Last month, Jeanne invited her "Gather-Ring" group to meet at our studio. A dozen or more folks showed up for the activity, where each person was able to make a stained glass folk-like bird. It was a great success and we really enjoyed the group of women who came. Everyone was positive and happy, they were all ready to have a good time. Usually in a group activity, folks get impatient when they have to wait. These women weren't like that at all, several who were waiting to solder choose to select beads. Some were asking each other about their businesses while they waited and were brainstorming about what the next step someone could take in their marketing. It was positive and inspiring. And yes, they liked their completed project. Another thing we noticed, they wanted to do it themselves. It was okay to show how to do a step, but they wanted to have a chance to do it so that they learned in the process.
This group demonstrated really positive dynamics. After they left, Jeanne and I compared them to other groups we've taught and also individuals that have taken classes. We noticed that in this group, there were no complainers and no whiners. They were all there to have fun and support each other.
Also, no one was a "poor mouth." You know the type, can't you do this for free because I can't afford it, I could never do that because it costs too much..etc. We get that kind of student at least twice a year and they kind of suck all the fun out of teaching them. They are so busy focusing on what they don't have and how difficult life is for them, that they create a happiness vacuum around them, sucking the joy away during the class. These are usually the ones who want a deal, who want to trade for the cost of class and then leave owing us money. When we get that kind of student, we kind of groan inside because you can't kick them out of class, you just have to endure them. A couple of years ago, we had a student who was so gloomy that two students said they would be back after her classes were over and they took six weeks off and then returned after she was done.
It really was great, in contrast, to work with the "Gather-Ring" group. If all students were like this, we'd teach even more sessions of classes than we do now!