I do, I find myself distracted. I write a monthly newsletter (www.betterstainedglass.com ). It's about stained glass and features a tips and tricks article, a featured art project, a new free pattern and a highlighted supply that we sell. It takes quite a bit of time to set it up and publish it each month.
Then, I write two different blogs, My Stained Glass Adventures ( http://sgadventure.blogspot.com/ )and Confessions Of A Video Junkie ( http://confessionsvideojunkie.blogspot.com/ ). The adventures one gets a post about once a month and the other usually twice a month. I find it hard to come up with more to say about stained glass more than once a month that isn't repetitive and redundant. With videos, I usually review ones that I've seen at home and have a strong opinion about.
Occasionally I write an article, strictly about stained glass that isn't a how to for the newsletter and it goes on our www.gommstudios.com website.
Then there's the weekly writing I try to do on our facebook gommstudios group ( http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=121011244611125 ) and the daily comments that go on the personal facebook feed, the monthly comments that go on the downtown Provo art gallery stroll group ( http://gallerystroll.blogspot.com/ ) and the monthly comments on the Utah County Art Gallery facebook group ( http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=120154841376303 ).
Now I'm writing a copy of this blog onto a Merchant Circle account and I enjoy answering questions that I receive weekly from those who find us on the Internet and those that are sent from AllExperts.com
It's no wonder that I find myself distracted!
I aspired to becoming a writer when I was in high school, I guess I've made it on some level, I only hope I'm doing a good job of it.
(By the way, an author likes an audience, so if you click on the sites I've mentioned, feel free to become a follower or join the groups)